Problem Solved: 3 Tips to Maximize Freelance Opportunities

Struggling to attract clients worldwide? Here’s how you get booked. 

If you’re been a freelancer for a while now, you’re bound to notice that many of your contemporaries have been landing global opportunities and clients lately. That’s because the rise of remote work and international recruitment has turned employers and brands to look outside of their home countries when building their remote teams. 


A recent study highlighted by G2 reveals a significant trend: nearly 70% of freelancers, who are predominantly under 35 years old, are increasingly engaging in fields like web and graphic design and programming, indicating a shift towards global opportunities and clients.



With increased interconnectivity and normalization of global remote teams, freelancers have the chance to work with more clients, raise rates, and work on bigger and better projects. The question now is “How do you get global opportunities?”


How to Land Global Freelance Remote Work

Global freelancing requires hard work, excellent time management skills, superb communication, and an intense dedication to your craft. In return, you get unlimited growth, control over your schedule and earnings, and endless opportunities.


To have a consistent roster of international clients, you will need to employ certain remote work strategies. You need to be able to maximize your visibility to potential clients, offer in-demand skills at competitive rates, and deliver desirable results every single time.


Here are top tips to help you maximize your freelance potential and enjoy success in the gig economy.


1.  Maximize your online presence to attract global employers

The first step to landing your global projects is to be highly visible online. No one can hire someone they can’t find! This means updating your LinkedIn profile, showcasing your portfolio on multiple platforms, and joining freelancer sites and international job markets.




Using various platforms like social media, your own website, and investing in a few digital ads will help your freelancing business get the exposure it needs. Sometimes, just constantly posting your work on public platforms will be enough to catch the attention of your new client.


Make sure to also invest time and thought into your own personal brand as a freelance remote worker. Outline your knowledge, skills, and experiences so potential employers know what you can do and the value you will contribute.

Clearly communicating your value as a professional will help clients understand what you can do for them and narrow down your freelance opportunities to the best ones suited to your niche and skill set.


2.  Create service packages at competitive rates

One of the main reasons companies hire freelancers is that they are generally less expensive than having full-time employees. Instead of lowballing yourself and offering services at the cheapest (and often, unsustainable) prices, focus on offering valuable service packages to your clients.


Think of ways how you can maximize your skillset and package in complementary and auxiliary services for a discounted price. For example, if you are a graphic designer, offer free logo updates or photo enhancement into your services. You will definitely set yourself apart from your contemporaries by increasing your service value at reasonable rates.


Furthermore, having service packages makes it easier for you to customize your client contacts depending on their needs. Employers from one city or country will not necessarily have the same needs as those from another. Your service packages will make it easier for them to solve multiple problems by hiring just one professional and getting the best results at cost-effective prices.


3.  Find more opportunities with a Global Talents Solutions Firm

If you really want to land the best global freelancing opportunities, work with a global talents solutions firm to manage your remote work career! This type of agency is experienced in matching international employers with the best remote workers from around the world. They can use their expertise to help you maintain and expand your roster of worldwide remote clients.


Even though you might have to shell out a bit of money to be managed by an agency, you will lessen the frequent burden of having to look for new clients all the time. Your firm will handle all of the searching and screening and help you connect with global clients you otherwise wouldn’t have known beforehand.


Imagine never having to worry about having a slow month or not having projects for weeks on end! With a global talents solutions firm, your manager or handler will always have something lined up for you to work on!


Connect with International Clients and Find Global Freelancing Opportunities with Engage


Take your first step in landing an international client with Engage! Our team of highly qualified and experienced HR professionals, account managers, and business development executives will help match you with the best brands, employers, and companies around the world.


We’ll help you maximize your online portfolio, introduce you to our network of global partners, and streamline your project pitch and delivery process. You’ll be busy and booked with projects in no time!



Learn more about how we can amp the ante on your global freelancing career today. Set up a free consultation now.


About Engage


Engage is a leading talent solutions firm committed to revolutionizing how businesses and professionals connect in the evolving workplace. With a team of seasoned HR experts and remote work specialists, we’re committed to elevating careers and enhancing business outcomes. We believe in creating professional growth and success opportunities by matching exceptional talent with innovative companies. Whether you’re a freelancer ready to showcase your skills or a business looking to expand your talent pool, Engage offers the strategic support you need. Discover how we can help you navigate the future of work. Visit Engage for solutions that propel professional growth and operational excellence.

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